<Thursday, August 22nd, 2019> Interior Design Partners Inc has won an award in the category of: Retail Interior, for Ontario with Delta Optical, Square One! We will be honoured at the USA & Americas International Property Awards in the Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Toronto on the 3rd October for their project Delta Optical at Square One. Further, we will compete… Continue Reading
We have been working with students in their 2nd, 3rd and 4th years of Interior Design Degree programs since 2015. We have had amazingly determined students who’ve worked well and had hands on opportunities in various design projects. I am sharing this note in the hopes it will help students and aspiring designers to prepare… Continue Reading
#idpi #interiordesignpartnersinc #interiordesign #interior #design #studio #colour #color #torontodesign #saugacity #mississauga #architecture #creative #ideas #interiorarchitecture #canadiandesign #idpiproject #spatialdesign #interiordesigncanada #designtrend #designidea #designinspiration #art #inspiration #designmatters #artmatters #인테리어 #디자인 #인테리어디자인 #인테리어스타그램 #인테리어설계 #인테리어제안 #인테리어그램 #이노베이션 #shopidpi #store #homedecor #renovation #실내지다인 #실내인테리어 #designaward #awardwinningdesign Continue Reading
https://www.facebook.com/InteriorDPI/videos/1899343633713146/?hc_ref=ARSHP_6ykkP9wel-G5mj8VzGex9H6vfWdoQCujNHgYxxf-gRzSMVwQhoH5-i4nbor0E&fref=nf #idpi #interiordesignpartnersinc #interiordesign #interior #design #studio #creative #ideas #인테리어 #디자인 #인테리어디자인 #인테리어스타그램 #인테리어설계 #인테리어제안 #인테리어그램 #스토어 #가게 #idpiproject #spatialdesign #interiordesigninspiration #interiordesigncanada #interiorarchitecture #canadiandesign #shopidpi #store #homedecor #renovation #실내지다인 #실내인테리어 #anniversary #designmatters #기념일 #3년차 Continue Reading
#idpi #interiordesignpartnersinc #interiordesign #interior #design #studio #holidays #happyholidays #holidayseason #merryeverything #newyear #newyearseve #2017 #2k17 #holidaygreeting #seasonsgreetings #크리스마스 #홀리데이 #성탄절 #연말 #연말인사 Continue Reading
Anoushae from RCC Academy of Design will be working with us for the rest of the year! #idpi #interiordesignpartnersinc #interiordesign #interior #design #studio #colour #color #torontodesign #saugacity #mississauga #architecture #creative #ideas #인테리어 #디자인 #인테리어디자인 #인테리어스타그램 #인테리어설계 #인테리어제안 #인테리어그램 #실내지다인 #실내인테리어 #designassistant #student #internship #인턴십 #인턴 #디자이너 #디자인어시 #어시스턴트 Continue Reading
Our creative ideas bank is full! We worked on these renderings to highlight Yvette’s lighting and design ideas. There are 3 scenes in total for 3 types of custom designed lighting. These lights can be made in any size, shape and finish or materials to suit various interior atmospheres. Also, many thanks to Amal and… Continue Reading
Yvette is one of the participants volunteering for a “pre-test/trial” of the upcoming computerized Practicum exam of NCIDQ. https://www.cidq.org/prac-2-0 “I am happy to assist NCIDQ prepare for the October launch of the new digital exam and glad to know that my feedback will contribute to the development and improvement of the live PRAC 2.0 Exam.”… Continue Reading
As professional registered Interior Designers, we continue our education that strengthens the interior design profession by improving individual attitudes, competencies, knowledge and skills in specific subject areas essential to interior design. Currently, ARIDO/IDC requires minimum of 12 hours in total over two year period (per cycle) of which 4 must be Health, Safety (HS) hours.… Continue Reading
Yasmine from Sheridan College (on the left) and Amal from Humber College will be working with us for the summer season! #idpi #interiordesignpartnersinc #interiordesign #interior #design #studio #colour #color #torontodesign #saugacity #mississauga #architecture #creative #ideas #인테리어 #디자인 #인테리어디자인 #인테리어스타그램 #인테리어설계 #인테리어제안 #인테리어그램 #실내지다인 #실내인테리어 #designassistant #student #internship #인턴십 #인턴 #디자이너 #디자인어시 Continue Reading
#idpi #interiordesignpartnersinc #interiordesign #interior #design #studio #holidays #happyholidays #holidayseason #merryeverything #newyear #newyearseve #2016 #2k16 #holidaygreeting #seasonsgreetings #크리스마스 #홀리데이 #성탄절 #연말 #연말인사 #홀리데이인사 #새해인사 Continue Reading
December 7, 2016. JOY Restaurant at Yorkdale Mall. We had a lovely evening with them. idpi #interiordesignpartnersinc #interiordesign #interior #design #interiorarchitecture #canadiandesign #idpiproject #spatialdesign #interiordesigncanada #인테리어 #디자인 #인테리어디자인 #인테리어스타그램 #인테리어설계 #인테리어제안 #인테리어그램 #실내지다인 #실내인테리어 #hirschberg #meetup #dinner Continue Reading
#idpi #interiordesignpartnersinc #interiordesign #interior #design #studio #colour #color #torontodesign #saugacity #mississauga #canadiandesign #idpiproject #spatialdesign #interiordesigncanada #designtrend #designidea #designinspiration #art #inspiration #designmatters #artmatters #인테리어 #디자인 #인테리어디자인 #인테리어스타그램 #인테리어설계 #인테리어제안 #인테리어그램 #실내지다인 #실내인테리어 #명함 #카드 #businesscard #new #designbusinesscard Continue Reading
Welcome to IDPI Alicia! Alicia S. will be working with us as our student Design Assistant! #idpi #interiordesignpartnersinc #interiordesign #interior #design #studio #colour #color #torontodesign #saugacity #mississauga #architecture #creative #ideas #인테리어 #디자인 #인테리어디자인 #인테리어스타그램 #인테리어설계 #인테리어제안 #인테리어그램 #실내지다인 #실내인테리어 #designassistant #student #internship #인턴십 #인턴 #디자이너 #디자인어시 #어시스턴트 #어시 Continue Reading
#idpi #interiordesignpartnersinc #interiordesign #interior #design #studio #colour #color #torontodesign #saugacity #mississauga #creative #ideas #interiorarchitecture #canadiandesign #idpiproject #spatialdesign #interiordesigncanada #designtrend #designidea #designinspiration #art #inspiration #designmatters #artmatters #인테리어 #디자인 #인테리어디자인 #인테리어스타그램 #인테리어설계 #인테리어제안 #인테리어그램 #실내지다인 #실내인테리어 #awardwinningdesign #deltaoptical #매장#매장인테리어 #오픈 #가게인테리어 #boutique Continue Reading
#idpi #interiordesignpartnersinc #interiordesign #interior #design #studio #hirschberg #torontodesign #interiorarchitecture #canadiandesign #인테리어 #디자인 #인테리어디자인 #인테리어스타그램 #인테리어설계 #인테리어제안 #인테리어그램 #실내지다인 #실내인테리어 #spatialdesign #interiordesigncanada #newbeginnings #newstart Continue Reading